I am debugging my API app in vs2022 on my server.
I would like to access the api from a client machine just to see what gets into the Headers etc.
In the debugger I have it configured to listen on port 5020... and I can use postman to send a request to localhost:5020 (as long as postman is running on the same machine.)
However when I run postman on a different machine on the same network and point it at myserver:5020 then I just get a connection refused...
So, wondering if its possible to get the debugger to accept requests from a different machine?
Ahh haa... I got it.. feel like a bit of a dope now :)
Just posting this for anyone else who might face the same confusion:
I had the Debug properties set to
and when I set it to
then it worked from a remote machine.
So, changing from localhost to the actual name of the local server got things moving.