I can't run my tests through pytest. And I have a strong belief that this is an imports issue. The project structure looks like in the attachment. In the root directory there is a file contest.py with a driver start and close fixture
import pytest
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait
def browser():
"""Fixture for initializing webdriver"""
print("\nStarting browser for test...")
browser = webdriver.Chrome()
yield browser
print("\nClosing browser...")
Test methods are described in the base_page.py file, which is located in the pages folder
from .locators import BasePageLocators
class BasePage:
def __init__(self, browser, url, timeout=10):
self.browser = browser
self.url = url
def open(self):
def is_element_present(self, how, what):
self.browser.find_element(how, what)
return False
return True
def should_be_sign_up_button(self):
assert self.is_element_present(*BasePageLocators.SIGN_UP, "No Sign Up button on the page")
def open_sign_up_modal(self):
assert self.is_element_present(*BasePageLocators.CREATE_ACCOUNT_H2, "Sign Up modal is not open")
There is a file with locators (locators.py) in a same folder
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
class BasePageLocators():
SIGN_UP = (By.XPATH, "//button[text()='Sign Up']")
CREATE_ACCOUNT_H2 = (By.XPATH, "//h2[text()='Create Your Account']")
And a file with tests (tase_base_page.py) in the tests folder
from pages.base_page import BasePage
link = "https://somelink.com/"
class TestSignUp():
def test_see_sign_up(browser):
page = BasePage(browser, link)
def test_open_sign_up_modal(browser):
page = BasePage(browser, link)
Every time I run the tests, I get the error "AttributeError: 'TestSignUp' object has no attribute 'implicitly_wait'". But if I remove this method, another error appears, and so it is every time: if I fix one thing, another error appears.
When using the command "pytest --fixtures" from the "tests" folder, the "browser" fixture, which is defined in the conftest.py file, is not output.
I tried creating another project with one test, running it through pytest: the message that no tests were run was displayed, although the browser instance was running.
Asked ChatGPT - useless, implemented all tips - no use
Moved the project directory to the C drive
Added/removed points before imports
Reinstalled pytest, etc.
Help me, please! :)
You are missing the self
arg in your test methods
def test_see_sign_up(self, browser):
page = BasePage(browser, link)
At the moment you have:
def test_see_sign_up(browser):
page = BasePage(browser, link)
This means that instead of receiving the browser
fixture value, you have just given your self arg a different name.
So then when you instantiate the BasePage
you are passing the test class instance as browser
Which is why you get AttributeError: 'TestSignUp' object has no attribute 'implicitly_wait' when the BasePage
instance calls browser.implicitly_wait(timeout)
Self arg is required when defining test cases inside a test class. Alternatively you could just define them as module functions without being inside a class, e.g.
def test_see_sign_up(browser):
page = BasePage(browser, link)
def test_open_sign_up_modal(browser):
page = BasePage(browser, link)