I share my code here when I press downarrow key firsttime it will go on next row but again I press downarrow it will not work properly (https://i.sstatic.net/4qznx.jpg)
<mat-row *matRowDef="let row; columns: displayedColumns; let index = 'index+1';"
(click)="getRecordFromTable(row, index)"
(this._POSFormService.POSHeaderForm.get('walkInCustomerCode')?.value == row.code), 'current-
highlighted': (this.customerFormService.selectedCustomerCode.value == row.code &&
this._POSFormService.POSHeaderForm.get('walkInCustomerCode')?.value !== row.code)}">
arrowUpDownEvent(index: number,isDownArrow : boolean) {
if (isDownArrow){
let nextrow = this.customerFilterDataSource.data[index];
if (nextrow){
this.getRecordFromTable(nextrow, index + 1);
let nextrow = this.customerFilterDataSource.data[index-2];
this.getRecordFromTable(nextrow, index - 2);
// Define a variable to keep track of the currently focused row index
focusedRowIndex: number = -1;
arrowUpDownEvent(index: number, isDownArrow: boolean) {
if (isDownArrow) {
// Move focus to the next row if available
if (index < this.customerFilterDataSource.data.length - 1) {
this.focusedRowIndex = index + 1;
} else {
// Move focus to the previous row if available
if (index > 0) {
this.focusedRowIndex = index - 1;
// In your HTML template, bind the focusedRowIndex to each row's tabindex and classes
<mat-row *matRowDef="let row; columns: displayedColumns; let index = index;"
(click)="getRecordFromTable(row, index)"
[tabindex]="focusedRowIndex === index ? '999' : null"
(keydown.arrowdown)="arrowUpDownEvent(index, true)"
(keydown.arrowup)="arrowUpDownEvent(index, false)"
(keydown.enter)="onConfirmButton(row, index)"
'previous-highlighted': this._POSFormService.POSHeaderForm.get('walkInCustomerCode')?.value == row.code,
'current-highlighted': this.customerFormService.selectedCustomerCode.value == row.code && this._POSFormService.POSHeaderForm.get('walkInCustomerCode')?.value !== row.code,
'focused-row': focusedRowIndex === index