What is the best way to get twitts from the user on iPhone. Is it possible to get twitts with help of search twitter API? twitter search api doc I need load more than 20 twitts.
Tweets are returned from Twitter's servers in JSON format. There are a half-dozen JSON libraries for cocoa, all very good.
Fetching tweets can be done using a simple URL request, for unauthenticated tweet data (e.g. users tweets are public). e.g. http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/user_timeline.json?screen_name=sn00ki&include_entities=true
Or if you need access to tweets that might be private, you are going to have to log in, probably using OAuth. I would suggest a twitter library. MGTwitterEngine, for example.
If you can go iOS 5 only, you can use the new built in Twitter Framework