task_adding = [
pg.Text("Enter name of the task: ", size=(10, 1)),
pg.InputText(key='-NAME-', do_not_clear=False)
pg.Text("Enter prio: "),
pg.Slider(key='-PRIO-', range=(1,5), default_value=3, size=(20,15), orientation='horizontal')
pg.Multiline(key='-DESC-', size=(30,10), do_not_clear=False)
pg.Input(key='-DATE-', size=(50, 1)),
pg.CalendarButton("Datum zadatka", target='-DATE-', close_when_date_chosen=True, location=(50, 50), format='%Y-%m-%d', default_date_m_d_y=(int(date.today().strftime("%m")), int(date.today().strftime("%d")), int(date.today().strftime("%Y"))))
pg.Button("Add task")
while True:
event, values = window.read()
if event == pg.WIN_CLOSED:
elif event == "Add task":
if (values['-DATE-'] < date.today().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')):
pg.popup('Izabrali ste pogresan datum!')
# Dodavanje taska u existing tasks
tasks.addTask(t.Task(values['-NAME-'], values['-PRIO-'], values['-DESC-']))
# Ovo je dodavanje reda u csv fajl
with open('C:\\Users\\User\\Desktop\\Python\\ToDoList\\tasks.csv', 'a', newline='') as file:
writer = csv.writer(file)
writer.writerow([values['-NAME-'], values['-PRIO-'], values['-DESC-']])
window['-TABLE-'].update(tasks.existingtasks) # Ovo je za update tabele
elif event == "Ok":
with open('C:\\Users\\User\\Desktop\\Python\\ToDoList\\sleeping_time.csv', 'a', newline='') as file:
writer = csv.writer(file)
writer.writerow([date.today(), str(values[0]) + ":" + str(values[1])])
window = pg.Window("ToDoList", tab_group, size=(500,500))
elif event == '-TABLE-':
if values['-TABLE-']: # Ovo sam stavio da bismo videli da li je selektovano nesto iz tabele
choice = pg.popup_yes_no("Da li ste zavrsili sa ovim taskom?") # popup sa YES NO
if choice == "Yes":
data_selected = [tasks.existingtasks[row] for row in values[event]] # selektovan red je niz od postojecih taskova od reda za red u values[event] sto predstavlja ustvari vrednost reda odnosno broj
tasks.finishATask(data_selected[0][0]) # zavrsavamo task u tasks
deleteRow(data_selected[0][0]) # brisemo task iz tasks.csv
# Upisujemo task u finished_task.csv
with open('C:\\Users\\User\\Desktop\\Python\\ToDoList\\finished_tasks.csv', 'a', newline='') as file:
writer = csv.writer(file)
task = tasks.finishedtasks[-1]
writer.writerow([datetime.now(), task[0], task[1], task[2]])
I have the main window with some input boxes and button for Calendar and also the main button to add a task. When I enter text in input boxes and click to choose a date my inputs refresh (I guess because the window.read() is called again since it opens another window for calendar). I want to keep do_not_clear=False for inputs so it fires when I press the main button but how to prevent it from happening when I press calendar button? If you need some more information please tell me, this is my first post.
IMO, there's no way to stop the clear action for the Input elements after calendarbutton clicked, you have to do the clear action by yourself, like
import PySimpleGUI as sg
layout = [
[sg.Input(key='-DATE-', expand_x=True),
[sg.Button("Add task")],
window = sg.Window("Title", layout)
while True:
event, values = window.read()
if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED:
elif event == "Add task":
# DO the job to add task, then
for key in ("-NAME-", "-DATE-"):