I'm running into a weird issue where we've upgraded our DevExpress to their newest version (23.2.4).
This issue is specifically on their dxHtmlEditor control.
Here is our code:
<div id="contactNoteCreate">
var editor = Html.DevExtreme().HtmlEditor()
.Placeholder("Add a note about a contact");
Whenever we deploy via Azure Dev Ops build/release, then it freezes up when it tries to load the partial in the razor page:
<div class="tab-pane active" id="Notes">
@Html.Partial("~/Areas/HR/Views/Contacts/_ContactNotesPartial.cshtml", Model.ContactNotes)
It is doing this on multiple of the dxHtmlEditor control.
I've been working with DevExpress support and they have not heard of any other issues. They would like an example (which I'm about to do soon I think), but they still believe it is on our side and not theirs.
Is there anything else I can check on the DevOps build side to see why that partial is not being generated properly?
I do not see any errors in AppInsights either on that slot of our app service.
The actual partial is built out it seems fine in the /bin directory:
If I publish directly from VS 2022, it works fine (so far).
On our build task, I have verified that VS 2022 is selected:
Any other thoughts I might try?
Issue resolved.
The dxHtmlEditor control uses quill.js. On the upgrade, we had to upgrade the version of quill.js. For some reason the minified version of that will not bundle properly on the Azure Dev Ops pipeline steps.
We remove the quill.min.js from our bundle functionality and then referenced the file directly and everything started to work fine.