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Testing library `within` return type in typescript

I have the following helpers for my tests with React & testing library :

const getSomething = (name: string, container: Screen | any = screen) {
  return container.getByRole('someRole', { name: name })

The container is either the screen from react testing, but it can also come from testing library :

const myParentElement = screen.getByRole('cell', { name: 'foo' })
const myElement = getSomething("myName", within(myParentElement))

How can I replace the any from container: Screen | any with the appropriate type returned by within ?

Note: within is an alias for getQueriesForElement, which is defined here on testing-library


  • As @jayatubi metioned, ReturnType<typeof within> should work.

    import { within, screen, Screen } from '@testing-library/react';
    const getSomething = (name: string, container: Screen | ReturnType<typeof within> = screen) => {
      return container.getByRole('someRole', { name: name });
    const myParentElement = screen.getByRole('cell', { name: 'foo' });
    const myElement = getSomething('myName', within(myParentElement));

    package version:

    "@testing-library/react": "^14.1.2",
    "typescript": "^5.3.2",