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Spring data JPA have selection of one table 1 get the details of table 2 as well

I have two tables Student and Student_Type, Each student have each type, while selecting student table how to get the details Student_Type in Spring data JPA.

Student Enity

@Table(schema="DATA", name="STUDENT")
public class Student {
 private Long id;

 private string fanme;

 private string lanme;
 private string config_type; // Studen_Type type should be populate on here  

Student_Type Enity

@Table(schema="DATA", name="STUDENT_TYPE")
public class StudentType {
 private Long id;

 private string type;

 @Column(name="stud_id") // Student `id` is referenced
 private string stud_id;

 @JoinCoulumn(name="stud_id" referencedColumnName= "id" insertable=false, updateble=false)
 private Student student;

While doing select query of student table how to get the type from Student_type table.

Sample data of Student table | Id | fname | lname| | --- | ----- |----| | 1 | Raju | Mikel | | 2 | Thomas | George | | 3 | Arun | Nair |

Sample data of Student_Type table | Id | type | stud_id| | --- | ----- |----| | 1 | Performer | 1 | | 2 | Avg | 2 | | 3 | Performer | 3 |

I'm new in Spring data JPA,

I tried the One to One mapping but its not working, This is my native query,


 @Query("select s.fname, s.lanme, st.type as config_type from student s left join student_type st on", nativeQuery=true)
List<Student> findStudetType();

Please help that would be appreciated


  • In your Student, add:

    private StudentType tudentType;

    Secondly, change your query to JPQL:

    @Query("SELECT s FROM Student s LEFT JOIN FETCH StudentType st")
