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Cannot reach specific values in XML

Another little problem parsing XML file in Powershell. I'm working on a big XML file that seems to be quite like this one that I found online and a bit modified:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
            <Customer Region="USA" CustomerName="Arshad Ali" CustomerID="C001">
                    <Order OrderDate="2012-07-04T00:00:00" OrderID="10248">
                        <OrderDetail Quantity="5" ProductID="10"/>
                        <OrderDetail Quantity="12" ProductID="11"/>
                        <OrderDetail Quantity="10" ProductID="42"/>
                <Address> Address line 1, 2, 3</Address>
            <Customer Region="USA" CustomerName="Paul Henriot" CustomerID="C002">
                    <Order OrderDate="2011-07-04T00:00:00" OrderID="10245">
                        <OrderDetail Quantity="12" ProductID="11"/>
                        <OrderDetail Quantity="10" ProductID="42"/>
                <Address> Address line 5, 6, 7</Address>
            <Customer Region="USA" CustomerName="Carlos Gonzlez" CustomerID="C003">
                    <Order OrderDate="2012-08-16T00:00:00" OrderID="10283">
                        <OrderDetail Quantity="3" ProductID="72"/>
                <Address> Address line 1, 4, 5</Address>

I need to reach and retrive the Quantity field in row number 7 with dot notation. I'm using this code

    PS C:\Users>  [xml]$xmlElm = Get-Content -Path "C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Test1.xml"
    PS C:\Users>  $xmlElm.ROOT.Customers.Customer
    Country      : USA
    CustomerName : Arshad Ali
    CustomerID   : C001
    Orders       : Orders
    Address      :  Address line 1, 2, 3

    Country      : USA
    CustomerName : Paul Henriot
    CustomerID   : C002
    Orders       : Orders
    Address      :  Address line 5, 6, 7

    Country      : USA
    CustomerName : Carlos Gonzlez
    CustomerID   : C003
    Orders       : Orders
    Address      :  Address line 1, 4, 5

...and now? Everything I've tried returns error or blank, I don't understand how to reach the lower fields values; can anybody help me?


  • You simply have to tell it which node you are interested in, for example giving it the index (0 based) of the node, in square brackets.

    [xml]$xmlElm = Get-Content -Path "C:\Users\ColinD\Downloads\Test.xml"

    This will output 5