I have multiple pre-existing datasets with similar names : EstOut_varname
I am trying to use ODS TAGSETS to output them all to Excel. I am also using a Macro function to loop over the similarly named datasets, like below. However, inside Proc Print, the macrovariable isn't dereferencing the way I thought it would.
Please advice - thanks for any help!
ods tagsets.excelxp style=sasweb
ods tagsets.excelxp close;
/*** Macro getBetas() to Loop over existing Datsets that I am trying to output to Excel ***/
/*** The Datasets are all named similarly - EstVar_varname -EstVar_varn1,EstVar_varn2,EstVar_varn3 ***/
%macro getBetas();
%let varnamelist = varn1 varn2 varn3 ;
%put &varnamelist;
%let end=%sysfunc(countw(&varnamelist));
%put &end;
%do i = 1 %to &end;
/*** save the varname to macrovariable &out ***/
%put out= %scan(&varnamelist., &i, " ");
proc print data=EstVar_&out.;
However, SAS does not dereference EstVar_&out. and does not recognise the &out :
proc print data=EstVar_&out.; run;
ERROR 200-322: The symbol is not recognized and will be ignored.
NEVER MIND - I just needed to use %LET instead of %PUT inside the the %DO loop in the getBetas macro!
%macro ...; ... %mend;
indeed defines a macro, but that only exists after the code is executed, zo define your macro before you *use it.%put
-statements are handy for debugging, but they don't assign a value to anything. You should use a %let
-statement to give a macro variable a value.ods tagsets
, so I don't guarantee the below code is correct, but at least it handle macro's and macro variables correct.* ... *;
comments over /* ... */
comment. Reserving the later for commenting out code allows you to comment out code with comments in it.ods
statements in the macro?%getBetas
, so it becomes reusable?SQL
like condition, which would replace the first two macro parameters.*** Macro getBetas writes similarly named datasets to excel.
It accepts three parameters:
- prefix : a common prefix for the dataset names
- suffixes : a list of suffixes for the dataset names
- outFile : the full path of the destination excel file
%macro getBetas(prefix, suffixes, outFile);
%let suffix_count = %sysfunc(countw(&suffixes));
%put NOTE: writing &suffix_count datasets
starting with &prefix and continuing with one of &suffixes,
separated by an underscore
to &outFile;
ods tagsets.excelxp style=sasweb file="&outFile";
%do i = 1 %to &suffix_count;
* save the varname to macrovariable &out *;
%let out= &prefix._%scan(&suffixes., &i);
%put NOTE: about to print &out to excel;
proc print data=&out.;
ods tagsets.excelxp close;
* Printing the similarly named datasets: EstVar_varn1, EstVar_varn2, EstVar_varn3 to excel *;
%getBetas(WORK.EstVar_, varn1 varn2 varn3, C:\Users\radhi\Desktop\estvars.xls);