I have the following situation: I want to create a ListView that contains collections are sorted by date. So, I have a question: how to add a new element of list to an existing widget or create a new widget (if widget that should store elements with this date is not exist) and add an element to it?
I know how to use ChangeNotifierProvider, ChangeNotifier and Consumer for updating UI, but I have no idea how to use it in my situation.
It can be easy or I have not correct idea, but I am new in Flutter, so I am sorry for it.
I tried to add dividers to my ListView, but they depend on the index, so when I scroll the ListView it doesnt work correctly, because I want it to depend on date, not only index.
If i understand your problem correctly, you need to display list of elements with Date and other information, something like this:
element A
element B
element C
element A
element B
To do this you will need several classed, for example Element and DateWithElements:
class Element {
final String name;
class DateWithElements {
final DateTime date;
final List<Element> elements;
DateWithElements(this.date, this.elements);
Then you can use them to store your data in State of your Statefull Widget(don't forget to initialize the variable with data)
final list = <DateWithElements>[];
and use variable for build widgets:
shrinkWrap: true,
itemCount: list.length,
itemBuilder: (_, index) {
final current = list[index];
return Column(
children: [
...current.elements.map((e) => Text(e.name)),
separatorBuilder: (_, __) => const Divider(),
For adding new items to list you will need a function:
Future<void> addItem(DateTime date, List<String> elements) async {
final newItem = DateWithElements(
setState(() {});