I need to setup a session with subprocess.Popen ,
then I need to run a command1 that gives me an output1
then I need to use output1 as a parameter to run command2
IMPORTANT > command1 creates a session, so I cant close the pipe between command1 and command2.
how do I read the output of this pipe while it's still open?
I have found in other questions something like this. It only "almost" works tho.
bash_session = subprocess.Popen(['bash'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
bash_session.stdin.write(f"command1 \n".encode())
output_lines = []
while True:
line = bash_session.stdout.readline().decode().strip()
if not line: #NOT WORKING!***
#- however if I press CTRL+C at the REPL after waiting long enough, the rest of the loop fills output_lines as expected
bash_session.stdin.write(f"command1 {output_lines[len(output_lines)-1]}\n".encode())
This worked for me (added a few more line of code just to show a more generic scenario):
import subprocess
bash_session = subprocess.Popen(['bash'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
bash_session.stdin.write(f"command1 \n".encode())
bash_session.stdin.write(f"command2 \n".encode())
bash_session.stdin.write(f"command3; echo BASH_SESSION_LEFT_OPEN_FOR_FUTURE_COMMANDS\n".encode())
output_lines = []
for line in iter(bash_session.stdout.readline, b'BASH_SESSION_LEFT_OPEN_FOR_FUTURE_COMMANDS\n'):
print ("stdout:", line.decode().strip())
bash_session.stdin.write(f"command4 {output_lines[len(output_lines)-1]}\n".encode())
all I did was changing the while to a for loop, using iter() with a sentinel value set to a custom string. This helps me stopping reading lines just before I get hanged to the open pipe.
If anyone has a more elegant solution please let me know, in the meantime, this seems to get the job done :)