I'm trying to do the loop where output of each curl command which is returning json data is allocated to the variable/array. I'm using tee command to get my wanted value plus next token for next json piece of data. When I save data to file everything works fine but instead of saving data to file I would like to keep it in array/variable.
This works:
while [[ "$next_token" != "null" ]]
curl -u "$user:$password" "https://mylink.dot" \
| tee >(jq -r '.dataSummaries[] | .dataId' >> my_data_file.txt ) \
>(jq -r '.nextToken'>next_token_file.txt) > /dev/null
next_token=$(cat next_token_file.txt)
I tried this:
while [[ "$next_token" != "null" ]]
curl -u "$user:$password" "https://mylink.dot" | tee >(jq -r '.dataSummaries[] | .dataId' | read my_array[index] ) >(jq -r '.nextToken'>next_token_file.txt) > /dev/null
next_token=$(cat next_token_file.txt)
When I use |read var
my variable is empty.
How in this case can I store json data (and next token) in variable, not file.
The second jq
should read from the standard output of tee
, then write to standard output. This entire pipeline is then put in another process substitution for read
to read from.
read next_token <( curl -u "$user:$password" "https://mylink.dot" |
tee >(jq -r '.dataSummaries[] | .dataId' >> my_data_file.txt ) |
jq -r '.nextToken')