could one kindly advise me how to disable simple form validation in rails 7.
i am unable to remove the validation. it always states must exist
no matter which way i use to remove the validation. Thank you for the advise in advance.
i have tried all the below:
required: false
html: { required: false }
html: { novalidate: true }
novalidate: true
simple_form_for(resource, html: { novalidate: true }) do
validates :category_addresstitle, presence: false
validates :category_addresstitle_id, presence: false
this is an association:
belongs_to :category_addresstitle
has_many :addresses
<%= f.association :category_addresstitle, collection: CategoryAddresstitle.all.order(:name), prompt: "Please Select", label: false %>
Make the association optional.
belongs_to :category_addresstitle, optional: true