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Joining tables using primary keys LINQ

I'm trying to join tables by primary keys using the PrimaryKey method (the ID column is the primary key in both tables). But at the end I get an empty table. Tell me how to make the request correct?


ID name city
1 John New York
2 Jacob Los Angeles
3 William Chicago
4 Ethan San Francisco


ID order_number
1 123547
2 568688
3 89779

As a result, I expect to see a table like this:

name order_number city
John 123547 New York
Jacob 568688 Los Angeles
William 89779 Chicago

My code:

var result = from client in clientDT.AsEnumerable()
             join orders in orderDT.AsEnumerable()
                  on clientDT.PrimaryKey equals orderDT.PrimaryKey
             select new 
                        Name = client.Field <string> ("name"),
                        City = client.Field <string> ("city"),
                        Order_number = orders.Field <string> ("order_number")                      
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            dt.Columns.Add("name", typeof(string));
            dt.Columns.Add("city", typeof(string));
            dt.Columns.Add("order_number", typeof(string));
            foreach(var row in result)
                dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { row.Name, row.City, row.Order_number});
result_DT  = dt;


  • Its actually quite simple. The problem is that you try to compare all primary keys.

    The table.PrimaryKey property will return a collection of all columns that make up the key. So what you are doing is comparing if a List containing one column is equal to another List containing a column, which is false, since they contain different columns. You need to orient yourself along your created rows. So this is the best I can give you at the moment. Its not really pretty but it gets the job done

    var result = from client in clientDT.AsEnumerable()
                 join orders in orderDT.AsEnumerable()
                      on client[clientDT.PrimaryKey[0]] equals orders[orderDT.PrimaryKey[0]]
                 select new
                            Name = client.Field<string>("name"),
                            City = client.Field<string>("city"),
                            Order_number = orders.Field<string>("order_number")
    DataTable dt = new DataTable();
    dt.Columns.Add("name", typeof(string));
    dt.Columns.Add("city", typeof(string));
    dt.Columns.Add("order_number", typeof(string));
    foreach (var row in result)
        dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { row.Name, row.City, row.Order_number });

    The secret lies in this line

    on client[clientDT.PrimaryKey[0]] equals orders[orderDT.PrimaryKey[0]]

    To try and explain it: your client and your orders are rows. From these rows we can get the value of a column, in our case we need the value of the column containing the PK which in our case is just one column which makes things nice.

    So our primary key column is orderDT.PrimaryKey[0] and to get the value of it in the individual rows during the request we do orders[orderDT.PrimaryKey[0]] and we are done.