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Wildcard in OPA policy definition

I am trying to write a policy for an endpoint that looks like


What is a wildcard/regex match I can do for this endpoint ? My usecase requires me to look up some metadata based on the http endpoint match.

Rego playground link:


  • It's hard to know what the exact requirements are here but, I'd suggest:

    • more permissive regular expressions
    • a default value for when there's no match in the function

    You might consider some Rego more like this:

    package play
    import rego.v1
    # Below works
    path := "/xyz/v1.0/applicationVersions/blah"
    # Below does not
    # path := "/xyz/v1.0/applicationVersions/applicationName=blah&default=true&pageSize=3&pageNumber=1"
    # Simulating OPA auth lib method call
    metadata_fetch := metadata(path, input)
    default metadata(_, _) := {"no match"}
    metadata(http_path, rules) := result if {
        matching_endpoints := [endpoint |
            some endpoint, endpoint_object in rules.endpoints
            regex.match(endpoint, http_path)
        count(matching_endpoints) > 0
        matching_endpoint := matching_endpoints[0]
        result := {x |
            some x in rules.endpoints[matching_endpoint].metadata

    And more relaxed regular expressions input like this:

        "endpoints": {
            "/xyz/v1.0/applicationVersions": {
                "metadata": [
            "/xyz/v1.0/applicationVersions/[a-zA-Z0-9-]+": {
                "metadata": [