start time '22:00' end time '3:00'
select time '22:00' - time '3:00' --result interval -18 h<br />
SELECT 24 - (abs(extract(hour from time '1:00' - time '22:00' ))) -- returns 3
finally how to create this timerange knowing that endtime of '3:00' [upper bound] is less than [lower bound] '22:00'
CREATE FUNCTION ext.time_subtype_diff(x time, y time) RETURNS float8 AS
CREATE TYPE ext.timerange AS RANGE (
subtype = time,
subtype_diff = time_subtype_diff
There's no timerange
range data type based on time
(of day, without date). Closest thing is tsrange
, which includes dates. It's best to always use the timezone-aware variant: demo
select tstzrange('today'::date +'22:00'::time,
tstzrange |
["2024-02-20 22:00:00+00","2024-02-21 03:00:00+00") |
Depending on what you plan to do with it, you could also create type
of your own, setting it up as your desired range based on time
. This would automatically create a multirange version of it and give you access to all built-in functions and operators, like @>
: demo
create type ttzrange as range(subtype=timetz);
--above automatically creates `ttzmultirange` variant
create table test (tmr ttzmultirange);
insert into test
select ttzmultirange(ttzrange('22:00','24:00'),ttzrange('00:00','05:00')) as ttzmr;
select ttzmr @> '01:00'::timetz as "is 1 o'clock in range" from test;
is 1 o'clock in range |
t |
You need the multirange for these to span "multiple days" - which isn't entirely valid interpretation, as time
isn't supposed to be aware of date
. Aside from the huge benefit of having built-ins at disposal, this also enables you to accommodate mid-day breaks in your ranges - the range crossing midnight is actually two ranges, one early in the small hours, one late evening up to midnight, with a long break in between.
You could also split the value into separate fields, or create a plain, non-range type with the start/end time
create type timerange as(start_time time, end_time time);
select ('22:00','03:00')::timerange;
row |
(22:00:00,03:00:00) |
For some purposes it might be easier to hold only the start time
and duration interval
create type timerange2 as(start_time time, duration interval);
Which doesn't help much in containment/overlap checks (2 o'clock should be in the first range, but it's still ToD vs ToD, assuming no difference in date, since it's unaware of dates):
select (tr2),
(tr2).start_time+(tr2).duration as end_time,
'02:00' between (tr2).start_time
and (tr2).start_time+(tr2).duration as "2 o'clock in range"
from test2;
tr2 | start_time | duration | end_time | 2 o'clock in range |
(22:00:00,05:00:00) | 22:00:00 | 05:00:00 | 03:00:00 | F |
(04:00:00,01:30:00) | 04:00:00 | 01:30:00 | 05:30:00 | F |
The non-range approach forces you to emulate or re-implement the built-in functions and operators and/or address the range bounds "manually".