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SQL Workbench – Is it Possible to Create a Results Column based on a Shift Pattern?

I work in a Factory that makes Components for Trucks.

We manufacture these components over 4 Rotating Shifts – named A,B,C and D. Each Shift does 2 Weeks of Days followed by 2 Weeks of Nights. (So the whole pattern repeats for all 4 Shifts after 28 Days)

Days are from 7am-7pm (6:59pm) and Nights are from 7pm until 7am (6:59am) the next Morning.

This Shift Pattern started in December 2019 (shown below) and is anticipated to continue for the foreseeable future.

Monday 02DEC A C - 09DEC B D - 16DEC C A - 23DEC D B
Tuesday 03DEC A C - 10DEC B D - 17DEC C A - 24DEC D B
Wednesday 04DEC D B - 11DEC A C - 18DEC B D - 25DEC C A
Thursday 05DEC D B - 12DEC A C - 19DEC B D - 26DEC C A
Friday 06DEC A C - 13DEC B D - 20DEC C A - 27DEC D B
Saturday 07DEC A C - 14DEC B D - 21DEC C A - 28DEC D B
Sunday 08DEC A C - 15DEC B D - 22DEC C A - 29DEC D B

The information related to said components manufacture is fed into an AWS Database (Amazon Redshift) that I access with SQL Workbench.

The table that I am currently looking at is called RS_MACHINESTATUS and one of the Columns of this table is called RUN_TIMESTAMP and contains Date-Times in the format of '13-May-2019 23:09:30’.

My Question is – is it possible to create a adjacent Results Column that provides the Shift based on the corresponding timestamp entry in the RUN_TIMESTAMP Column?

If we take the December 2019 Pattern above - my Desired Result would be Something like:

02DEC19 13:05:45 A
04DEC19 20:05:34 B
12DEC19 03:03:23 C


  • You could define your shift pattern data just once because that pattern repeats every 4 weeks (28 days)...
    MySQL code

    --      S a m p l e    D a t a :
        shift_pattern (WEEKDAY, DAY_ID, DAYS, NIGHTS) AS
            (   Select DayName(DATE '2019-12-02'), DATE '2019-12-02', 'A', 'C' From Dual Union All
                Select DayName(DATE '2019-12-03'), DATE '2019-12-03', 'A', 'C' From Dual Union All
                Select DayName(DATE '2019-12-04'), DATE '2019-12-04', 'D', 'B' From Dual Union All
                Select DayName(DATE '2019-12-05'), DATE '2019-12-05', 'D', 'B' From Dual Union All
                Select DayName(DATE '2019-12-06'), DATE '2019-12-06', 'A', 'C' From Dual Union All
                Select DayName(DATE '2019-12-07'), DATE '2019-12-07', 'A', 'C' From Dual Union All
                Select DayName(DATE '2019-12-08'), DATE '2019-12-08', 'A', 'C' From Dual Union All
                Select DayName(DATE '2019-12-09'), DATE '2019-12-09', 'B', 'D' From Dual Union All
                Select DayName(DATE '2019-12-10'), DATE '2019-12-10', 'B', 'D' From Dual Union All
                Select DayName(DATE '2019-12-11'), DATE '2019-12-11', 'A', 'C' From Dual Union All
                Select DayName(DATE '2019-12-12'), DATE '2019-12-12', 'A', 'C' From Dual Union All
                Select DayName(DATE '2019-12-13'), DATE '2019-12-13', 'B', 'D' From Dual Union All
                Select DayName(DATE '2019-12-14'), DATE '2019-12-14', 'B', 'D' From Dual Union All
                Select DayName(DATE '2019-12-15'), DATE '2019-12-15', 'B', 'D' From Dual Union All
                Select DayName(DATE '2019-12-16'), DATE '2019-12-16', 'C', 'A' From Dual Union All
                Select DayName(DATE '2019-12-17'), DATE '2019-12-17', 'C', 'A' From Dual Union All
                Select DayName(DATE '2019-12-18'), DATE '2019-12-18', 'B', 'D' From Dual Union All
                Select DayName(DATE '2019-12-19'), DATE '2019-12-19', 'B', 'D' From Dual Union All
                Select DayName(DATE '2019-12-20'), DATE '2019-12-20', 'C', 'A' From Dual Union All
                Select DayName(DATE '2019-12-21'), DATE '2019-12-21', 'C', 'A' From Dual Union All
                Select DayName(DATE '2019-12-22'), DATE '2019-12-22', 'C', 'A' From Dual Union All
                Select DayName(DATE '2019-12-23'), DATE '2019-12-23', 'D', 'B' From Dual Union All
                Select DayName(DATE '2019-12-24'), DATE '2019-12-24', 'D', 'B' From Dual Union All
                Select DayName(DATE '2019-12-25'), DATE '2019-12-25', 'C', 'A' From Dual Union All
                Select DayName(DATE '2019-12-26'), DATE '2019-12-26', 'C', 'A' From Dual Union All
                Select DayName(DATE '2019-12-27'), DATE '2019-12-27', 'D', 'B' From Dual Union All
                Select DayName(DATE '2019-12-28'), DATE '2019-12-28', 'D', 'B' From Dual Union All
                Select DayName(DATE '2019-12-29'), DATE '2019-12-29', 'D', 'B' From Dual

    ... with some data like in your RS_MACHINESTATUS table

    --      S a m p l e    D a t a :
    --  -------------------
     1  2019-12-02 13:05:45
     2  2019-12-04 20:05:34
     3  2019-12-12 03:03:23
     4  2020-01-19 07:00:00
     5  2023-10-05 19:00:00  */

    Having data from above you can use the fact that the same pattern is repeating every 28 dates.
    Join shift pattern and RS_MACHINESTATUS by the date difference that is multiplyer of 28 days and you could get the matching pattern row with day and night shifts. Check if hour of TIME_STAMP is day or night and select the matching shift.

    --      S Q L :
    Select       ms.ID, ms.TIME_STAMP, Case When HOUR(ms.TIME_STAMP) BETWEEN 7 And 18 
                                            Then sp.DAYS 
                                            Else sp.NIGHTS 
                                       End as ACTIVE_SHIFT
    From         shift_pattern sp
    Inner Join   RS_MACHINESTATUS ms ON(1 = 1) 
    Where        Mod(DateDiff(  Case When HOUR(ms.TIME_STAMP) BETWEEN 7 And 18 
                                     Then DATE(ms.TIME_STAMP) 
                                Else DATE(DATE_SUB(ms.TIME_STAMP, INTERVAL '7' HOUR))  
                         -- above Else -> is a 7 hour shift in time to get the right date of the day when NIGHT shift started
                              sp.DAY_ID), 28) = 0
    Order By   ms.ID;
    /*      R e s u l t :
    --  -------------------  --------------
    1   2019-12-02 13:05:45  A
    2   2019-12-04 20:05:34  B
    3   2019-12-12 03:03:23  C
    4   2020-01-19 07:00:00  C
    5   2023-10-05 19:00:00  B    */

    Below is the code that show matching shift pattern rows:

    --       S Q L 2 :
    Select       ms.ID, ms.TIME_STAMP, Case When HOUR(ms.TIME_STAMP) BETWEEN 7 And 18 
                                            Then sp.DAYS 
                                            Else sp.NIGHTS 
                                       End as ACTIVE_SHIFT, 
                    Concat('Active shift is ', Case When HOUR(ms.TIME_STAMP) BETWEEN 7 And 18 
                                          Then 'DAY  '
                                     Else 'NIGHT'
                    ' shift from patern data >>>> ') as COMMENT,
                 sp.WEEKDAY, sp.DAY_ID, sp.DAYS, sp.NIGHTS
    From         shift_pattern sp
    Inner Join   RS_MACHINESTATUS ms ON(1 = 1) 
    Where        Mod(DateDiff(  Case When HOUR(ms.TIME_STAMP) BETWEEN 7 And 18 
                                     Then DATE(ms.TIME_STAMP) 
                                Else DATE(DATE_SUB(ms.TIME_STAMP, INTERVAL '7' HOUR))
                              sp.DAY_ID), 28) = 0
    Order By   ms.ID;
    /*      R e s u l t :
    ID  TIME_STAMP           ACTIVE_SHIFT  COMMENT                                              WEEKDAY     DAY_ID       DAYS   NIGHTS
    --  -------------------  ------------  ---------------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  -----  ------
    1   2019-12-02 13:05:45  A             Active shift is DAY   shift from patern data >>>>    Monday      2019-12-02  A      C
    2   2019-12-04 20:05:34  B             Active shift is NIGHT shift from patern data >>>>    Wednesday   2019-12-04  D      B
    3   2019-12-12 03:03:23  C             Active shift is NIGHT shift from patern data >>>>    Wednesday   2019-12-11  A      C
    4   2020-01-19 07:00:00  C             Active shift is DAY   shift from patern data >>>>    Sunday      2019-12-22  C      A
    5   2023-10-05 19:00:00  B             Active shift is NIGHT shift from patern data >>>>    Thursday    2019-12-05  D      B  */

    NOTE: It should give youu expected result even for TIME_STAMPs before/after the shift pattern period (ID 4 and 5) as long as the pattern repeats as stated in the question...