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Documentation for GLVideoItem for GStreamer 1.16.1

I'm integrating a (pure) RTP stream into a Qt 5.15.2 Application using GStreamer 1.16.1. Within QML there is "import org.freedesktop.gstreamer.GLVideoItem 1.0" and "GstGLVideoItem" as suggested by the GStreamer play-sample

Unfortunately, I cannot find any documentation or further help about the "GstGLVideoItem" or potential other QML items for GStreamer.

Does anybody know where to find e.g. all properties of "GstGLVideoItem"?

Namely, I wonder if there is information about the video stream, such as FPS or width and height.


  • According to the source there aren't much properties for GstGLVideoItem.

    qmlRegisterType<QtGLVideoItem> ("org.freedesktop.gstreamer.GLVideoItem", 1, 0, "GstGLVideoItem");

    The source for GstGLVideoItem can be found here. The header shows that it is derived from QQuickItem, so it has all the QML Item properties plus the two listed in the header (depending on the version you are using).

    Q_PROPERTY(bool itemInitialized
                READ itemInitialized
                NOTIFY itemInitializedChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(bool forceAspectRatio
                READ getForceAspectRatio
                WRITE setForceAspectRatio
                NOTIFY forceAspectRatioChanged)

    There is also the function setDAR(gint, gint) which is publicly available.