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Azure B2C - Password Rules Not Reflecting (Signup + Password Reset)

I have implemented Azure B2C password complexity rules according to the link in a custom policy. I haven't changed any of their rules. All I get is the message "One or more fields are filled out incorrectly. Please check your entries and try again". I expect it to complain about length and missing characters, which are numbers, special characters and uppercase characters. I have updated the layout versions to the latest. I have also disabled strong password as they have mentioned in the article. This does not seem to be validation on Signup and Password Reset flows. What am I missing?

Update: If I inspect the script in the front end, I see the configured validation rules (predicates). I have also set the "HelpText" property of each predicate. I am still not winning. enter image description here



  • I found the issue. It was actually a style that was implemented as part of the design on the landing page (unified Sign-In/Sign-Up). It basically hid the error messages that were displayed when validation was fired and there were results:

    #attributeList ul li.EmailBox label, #attributeList ul li.Password label, #attributeList ul li.TextBox label { display: none !important; }