I'm developing embedded projects (fpga, mcu, dsp etc). And i have CI/CD where i can run pipelines and manual jobs inside that pipelines after they builded, like that:
stage: deploy
timeout: 30 minutes
- cd sw/$PRJ
- make run addr=$REMOTE_ADDR
- build
- if: $JTAG == "load"
when: manual
So i have two variable that i need to set up: JTAG and REMOTE_ADDR. And i'm just cirious do gitlab cicd have the option where i can edit this variables after pipeline is builded. Purpose: i want to switch between remote server and i need change REMOTE_ADDR variable to do that. It is possible? Thanks in advance!
Yes since your job is manual you can click on the job and then provide variables and values. https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/jobs/index.html#specifying-variables-when-running-manual-jobs. This will allow you to provide input vars for just this job. You should check the variable precedence rules https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/variables/#cicd-variable-precedence but manual pipeline vars occur very high in the chain so will override most other vars.