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Gitlab CI. Change variable in builded pipeline (for a manual job)

I'm developing embedded projects (fpga, mcu, dsp etc). And i have CI/CD where i can run pipelines and manual jobs inside that pipelines after they builded, like that:

  stage: deploy
  timeout: 30 minutes
    - cd sw/$PRJ
    - make run addr=$REMOTE_ADDR
    - build
    - if: $JTAG == "load"
      when: manual

So i have two variable that i need to set up: JTAG and REMOTE_ADDR. And i'm just cirious do gitlab cicd have the option where i can edit this variables after pipeline is builded. Purpose: i want to switch between remote server and i need change REMOTE_ADDR variable to do that. It is possible? Thanks in advance!


  • Yes since your job is manual you can click on the job and then provide variables and values. This will allow you to provide input vars for just this job. You should check the variable precedence rules but manual pipeline vars occur very high in the chain so will override most other vars.

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