I wrote a REST- Api in Springboot (3.2.2) and I am trying to create a fully customized Swagger OpenApi(3.0). Due to some api-requirements the RequestBody in my controller method can not be the dto-class to which the incoming json is mapped later on in the code. I still want the dto-class to be the "ExampleValue" and "Schema" in my Swagger Documentation.
My Controller:
public ResponseEntity<Object> createSaveObjects(@RequestBody String json) {...}
To customize my documentation I use a SpringdocConfig - Class:
public class SpringdocConfig {
OpenAPI baseOpenAPI() {
OpenAPI openAPI = new OpenAPI();
// Info
Info info = new Info()
// Paths
Paths paths = new Paths();
paths.addPathItem("/object", new PathItem()
.post(new Operation()
.summary("saves objects")
.description("saves objects")
.requestBody(new RequestBody()
.content(new Content()
.addMediaType("application/json", new io.swagger.v3.oas.models.media.MediaType()
.schema(new Schema()
.addProperty("Name", new Schema().type("string").example("string"))
.addProperty("Origin", new Schema().type("int").example(4))
What I want:
Request body
Example Value
"Name": "string",
"Origin": 4
What I get:
Request body
Example Value
I solved it myself: I just added the @Hidden annotation to the POST-Method in the Controller so Swagger fully ignors it for the Documentation
public ResponseEntity<Object> createSaveObjects(@RequestBody String json) {...}