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How to send multipart form data request with vapor client

I am trying to send a request to openai's speech to text api in my vapor app. The api accepts multipart/form-data requests. I couldn't figure out how to use vapor's client api. For json requests one can send request fairly easyly.

    let resp = try await
        headers: HTTPHeaders([
            ("Content-Type", "application/json"),
            ("Authorization", "Bearer \(memoKey)")
        content: reqData

For multipart form data I've tried this but the api gives Could not parse multipart form error

struct SpeechToTextRequest: Content {
    var model = "whisper-1"
    var file: Data

func makeSpeechToTextRequest(
    client: Client,
    audio: Data
) async throws {
    let result = try await
        headers: [
            "Content-Type": "multipart/form-data",
            "Authorization": "Bearer \(memoKey)"
        beforeSend: { req in
            let encoder = FormDataEncoder()
            let encoded = try encoder.encode(
                SpeechToTextRequest(file: audio),
                boundary: ""

            req.body = ByteBuffer(string: encoded)


For reference here is the curl string for the request

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer $OPENAI_API_KEY" \
  --header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
  --form file=@/path/to/file/openai.mp3 \
  --form model=whisper-1


  • I've ended up creating a little function to create multipart form data. I couldn't find any docs about Vapor's MultiPartKit library.

    Here is how request is constructed:

    func makeSpeechToTextRequest(
        client: Client,
        audio: Data
    ) async throws -> SpeechToTextResponse {
        let result = try await
            headers: [
                "Authorization": "Bearer \(memoKey)"
            beforeSend: { req in
                let (body, contentType) = createMultipartFormData(from: [
                    .file(fileName: "speech.mp3", fileType: "audio/mp3", fileData: audio),
                    .string(name: "model", value: "whisper-1"),
                    .string(name: "response_format", value: "verbose_json"),
                    .string(name: "timestamp_granularities[]", value: "word")
                req.body = body
                req.headers.contentType = contentType
        return try result.content.decode(SpeechToTextResponse.self)

    And here is the helper function:

    private enum MultipartField {
        case string(name: String, value: String)
        case file(fileName: String, fileType: String, fileData: Data)
    private func createMultipartFormData(from fields: [MultipartField]) -> (ByteBuffer, HTTPMediaType) {
        let boundary = UUID().uuidString
        var buffer = ByteBuffer()
        for field in fields {
            switch field {
            case let .file(fileName, fileType, fileData):
                buffer.writeString("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"file\"; filename=\"\(fileName)\"\r\n")
                buffer.writeString("Content-Type: \(fileType)\r\n\r\n")
            case let .string(name, value):
                buffer.writeString("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"\(name)\"\r\n\r\n")
        let mediaType = HTTPMediaType(
            type: "multipart",
            subType: "form-data",
            parameters: ["boundary": boundary]
        return (buffer, mediaType)