I am currently utilizing pybliometrics
to download papers related to a specific query. Typically, when navigating the Scopus website, I apply filters based on the Subject Area of interest, such as Engineering.
Upon reviewing the documentation and executing the code, I observed that the Subject Area is not included in the results returned by the code. This discrepancy also exists during manual research on Scopus (i.e., when downloading the csv, "Subject Area" is not among the information downloaded).
I am curious whether the "(LIMIT-TO (SUBJAREA, "ENGI"))" functionality is effective when entering the query in Pybliometrics and, if not, if it is possible to retrieve it in some way.
An example:
from pybliometrics.scopus import ScopusSearch
min_year = 1995
max_year = 1999
scopus_query = f'TITLE-ABS-KEY ( maintenance ) AND PUBYEAR > {min_year-1} AND PUBYEAR < {max_year+1} AND ( LIMIT-TO ( SUBJAREA , "ENGI" ) ) AND ( LIMIT-TO ( DOCTYPE , "ar" ) ) AND ( LIMIT-TO ( SRCTYPE , "j" ) ) AND ( LIMIT-TO ( LANGUAGE , "English" ) )'
s = ScopusSearch(scopus_query, verbose=True, download=True)
df = pd.DataFrame(s.results)
to_drop = ['eid', 'doi', 'pii', 'pubmed_id', 'subtype', 'creator', 'afid',
'affiliation_city', 'author_count', 'author_ids', 'author_afids',
'coverDisplayDate', 'issn', 'source_id', 'eIssn','volume',
'issueIdentifier', 'article_number', 'pageRange', 'freetoread',
'freetoreadLabel', 'fund_acr', 'fund_no', 'fund_sponsor']
df = df.drop(columns = to_drop)
df.to_excel(f"Maintenance_{min_year}_{max_year}.xlsx", index=False)
To your last question, whether LIMIT-TO()
works in the API: No, it doesn't. I don't know why, but I documented this in https://pybliometrics.readthedocs.io/en/stable/classes/ScopusSearch.html#documentation:
All fields except “INDEXTERMS()” and “LIMIT-TO()” work.
To your first question, how to get the field of documents: It's not in the Scopus Search API. Either you go via the Abstract Retrieval API (individual documents) or the Serial Title API.
AbstractRetrieval(<eid>, view="FULL").subject_areas