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SQL Connection Error 0 — if I start my Program from Visual Studio. It works from the build executable if started separately

I am building an Windows Forms App an can not connect to my SQL Server from within Visual Studio. If I build the app and start it separately from the folder, connection is instantly established and communication with the Server works. Then I can read/write/delete sucessfully. If I start/run the Aplication from within Visual Studio I cannot talk with the SQL Server. In the Debugger Output I get an Exception:

'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException' in System.Data.SqlClient.dll

After the connection timeout I get an error.

...(provider: TCP, error: 0 - on Database call an not resolvable error occured) [my translation from german]

The Server listens on a non standard Port (30500), in the meantime I switched to 1433 and back and nothing is working, from within the IDE.

I Use:

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 (x64) with nonAdmin Domain Account. Version 17.8.5 VisualStudio.17.Release/17.8.5+34511.84 Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.8.04084 Installierte Version: Community

Visual C++ 2022 00482-90000-00000-AA825
Microsoft Visual C++ 2022
ASP.NET and Web Tools 17.8.358.6298
ASP.NET and Web Tools
Azure App Service-Tools v3.0.0 17.8.358.6298
Azure App Service-Tools v3.0.0
Common Azure Tools 1.10
Microsoft JVM Debugger 1.0
NuGet-Paket-Manager 6.8.0
SQL Server Data Tools
Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools
SQLite & SQL Server Compact Toolbox 4.8
TypeScript-Tools für Microsoft Visual Studio
Visual Basic-Tools
Microsoft Visual F# Tools
Visual Studio IntelliCode 2.2
KI-gestützte Entwicklung für Visual Studio.

MyCode is essentialy just creating the connection string, placing it into the connection object and (trying to) open connection.

Public Const strDBSource As String = "Data Source=Computername,30501\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=xxx_DB;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=xxx;Password=xxx;Encrypt=False;TrustServerCertificate=True"


Private connectionString_FuEDB As String = New SqlConnectionStringBuilder With {.DataSource = "TTS-NB-LABOR,30501", '",30501\SQLEXPRESS",
                                                                          .InitialCatalog = "FXXxxx_DB",
                                                                          .UserID = "xxx",
                                                                          .Password = "xxx",
                                                                          .TrustServerCertificate = True}.ConnectionString


 sqlCon = New SqlClient.SqlConnection
 sqlCon.ConnectionString = strDBSource
 'sqlCon.ConnectionString = connectionString_FuEDB


   If sqlCon.State <> ConnectionState.Open Then
      Debug.WriteLine("State: not (jet) Open, trying to open..")
End Try`

As the connection works with the (release) build, I assume there isn't something essential wrong from the code point of view.

I can connect from SQL Mgmt Studio, I can connect via an .udl test connection. I cann connect via the VS integrated SQL Server Explorer. I cann not connect from my App.

I tried various connection-strings at first. They all failed. After some time I tried to connect to an other SQL server where I have the connectionString and also an working method, to try to establishing an connection. This also failed. Then I build the damn thing and started it from explorer and connection succeeded!

I tried NamedPipes, but same error, also I did not invest to much time into it. It may had connectionString issues as well.

I made sure all ports are open on the Serverside. As connection is working from the build, I think it works.

Somewhere on the way I made an new application just for connection-testing. Doesen't work from the IDE (in Debug mode). From this application I tested a lot of variations of connectionStrings, most of them worked. Some where just plain wrong. Non of them work from within the IDE.

I came accross an MS Article which stated that port 135 TCP should be open for Visual Studio and SQL ManagementStudio, the are open. In fact for testing I opend all Port for thode two aplications.

Any Ideas what else I can try?

Update I saw I can start the Programm without Debugging. Then it is working. I edited the debug mode. Enabled and disabled Hot Reload and SQL-Server-Debugging. Same result, not working in Debug mode.

2nd Update As proposed by @HardCode I post the whole connection Section from my code:

Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Data.Common
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles.VisualStyleElement
Imports Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens

Public Class Hauptfenster

[..some other variable declarations.]

    Public Const strDBSource As String = "Data Source =Name-OfDevice-LABOR,30xxx;Database=xxx_DB;User ID=SA;Password=sa;"
   'Public Const strDBSource As String = "Data Source=Name-OfDevice-LABOR,30xxx;Initial Catalog=xxx_DB;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=SA;Password=sa;Encrypt=False;TrustServerCertificate=True"
   Private connectionString_xxxDB As String = New SqlConnectionStringBuilder With {.DataSource = "Name-OfDevice-LABOR,30xxx1", '"192.168.local.ip,30xxx",
                                                                             .InitialCatalog = "xxx_DB",
                                                                             .UserID = "SA",
                                                                             .Password = "sa",
                                                                             .TrustServerCertificate = True}.ConnectionString
   Dim sqlCon As SqlConnection
   Dim sqlQuerry As SqlCommand
   Private Sub openConnection()

      If IsNothing(sqlCon) Then
         sqlCon = New SqlClient.SqlConnection
         sqlCon.ConnectionString = strDBSource
         'sqlCon.ConnectionString = connectionString_xxxDB
      End If

      Ausgabe_Log(String.Format("ConnectionString: {0}", sqlCon.ConnectionString))
      Ausgabe_Log(String.Format("State_: {0}", sqlCon.State))

         If sqlCon.State <> ConnectionState.Open Then
            Debug.WriteLine("State: not (jet) Open, trying to open")
            Ausgabe_Log(String.Format("Resultat nach Verbindugnsversuch: {0}", sqlCon.State))
         End If
      Catch sqlexception As SqlClient.SqlException
         Ausgabe_Log(String.Format("SQL-Fehler: {0}", sqlexception.Message))
      Catch ex As Exception
         Ausgabe_Log(String.Format("Allg. Fehler: {0}", ex.Message))
      End Try

The Exception is happening at :


I tried to trace the source of the Error and am qurrently stuck somewhere in "DbConnectionPools.cs" in TryGetConnection(...). There is an condition check dbConnectionInternal == null. It enters this path. dbConnectionInternal = UserCreateRequest(owningObject, userOptions); faisll.

I am getting an Win32Exception on a Win 10 Pro - x64 System. This is wondering me a litte bit. The SQL Server is running on a x32-System so this is maybe related? I just caught my eye and I just want to mention it.

Update 3 (2024-02-12) I Implemented the whole communication with EF-Core. I Still can not get any SQL Connection in Debug-Mode.

I recreated the whole Project in vb.net7 from a clean Projectfile. Just copied the, the few files with written code. And installed all packages for .net7 again. Same Result.


  • Today I relocated the Project to a local Drive. Away from "User-Networkdrive" which is the default Userfolder, as we get it assigned per Domain-Settings.

    I started to get perfomance Problems and was wondering why. Recognized that the Data are not localy stored. After moving Project to local drive I thought why not try Debuging again. It worked.

    I still have ocasionaly some timing issues which result in Exceptions. But the essential Problem of not getting an Connection in Debug-Mode is resolved.