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r convert a wide format to a summary format

If this is my dataframe

   Factors       Group       n     Average     Max      Min
   Calcium       Above       1599  0.412       42.872   0.017
   Calcium       Below       1040  0.011       0.017    -0.01
   Lead          Above       1345  1.312       0.043    0.037
   Lead          Below       882   0.614       64.65    0.065

I am trying to reorganize this to summary format like this, not sure where to start. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

  Factor      Above          Below     
        n    1599(60.5%)     1040(39.4%)
  Average    0.412           0.011
  Max,Min    42.872,0.017    0.017,-0.01 

        n    1345(60.4%)     882(39.6%)
  Average    1.312           0.614 
  Max,Min    0.043,0.037     64.65, 0.065



  • Not precisely the requested format, but pretty close.

    data <- read.table(header = TRUE, text = "
      Factors       Group       n     Average     Max      Min
      Calcium       Above       1599  0.412       42.872   0.017
      Calcium       Below       1040  0.011       0.017    -0.01
      Lead          Above       1345  1.312       0.043    0.037
      Lead          Below       882   0.614       64.65    0.065
    data %>%
      rename(Factor = Factors) %>%
      group_by(Factor) %>%
        n = sprintf("%d (%.1f%%)", n, n / sum(n) * 100),
        "Max,Min" = paste(Max, Min, sep = ","),
        Average = as.character(Average)
      ) %>%
      select(-Max, -Min) %>%
      pivot_longer(n:last_col()) %>%
      pivot_wider(names_from = Group, values_from = value)
      Factor  name    Above        Below       
    1 Calcium n       1599 (60.6%) 1040 (39.4%)
    2 Calcium Average 0.412        0.011       
    3 Calcium Max,Min 42.872,0.017 0.017,-0.01 
    4 Lead    n       1345 (60.4%) 882 (39.6%) 
    5 Lead    Average 1.312        0.614       
    6 Lead    Max,Min 0.043,0.037  64.65,0.065