I am trying to setup paypal payment authorization in my laravel app so the seller has the option to review the offer and reject payment if he wants on his paypal business dashboard rather than receive the complete payment right away and unnecessarily be charged for transaction fee from paypal if he does not want to receive the funds.
I use srmklive/paypal package for handling paypal payment method and right now my code makes immediate capture on order confirmation from user. Those things were so much easier to setup on Stripe...
This is my current paypal portion of code in checkout controller:
if ($request->input('payment_option') === 'paypal'){
$provider = new PayPalClient();
// $provider->setCurrency('EUR');
$paypalToken = $provider->getAccessToken();
$response = $provider->createOrder([
"intent" => "CAPTURE",
"application_context" => [
"return_url" => route('payment.success'),
"cancel_url" => route('payment.cancel'),
"purchase_units" => [
'description' => "Globus Transfers - " . strtoupper($vehicle) . " taxi transfer reservation from $departureLocationName to $destinationLocationName.",
"amount" => [
"currency_code" => "EUR",
"value" => $price
if(isset($response['id']) && $response['id'] != 'null') {
// Store the order ID in the session
session(['paypal_order_id' => $response['id']]);
foreach($response['links'] as $link){
if($link['rel'] === 'approve'){
return redirect()->away($link['href']);
} else {
return redirect()->route('payment.cancel');
And this is my success method in PaymentController:
if($routeAndReservationData['payment_option'] === 'paypal'){
$provider = new PayPalClient();
$paypalToken = $provider->getAccessToken();
$orderId = session('paypal_order_id');
$response = $provider->showOrderDetails($request->token);
// Capture the payment
$captureResponse = $provider->capturePaymentOrder($orderId);
if(isset($captureResponse['status']) && $captureResponse['status'] == 'COMPLETED'){
// Update the reservation with the PayPal transaction ID
$reservation->update(['paypal_order_id' => $orderId]);
// Send confirmation email to the user
Mail::to($routeAndReservationData['email'])->send(new UserReservationCreation($routeAndReservationData));
Mail::to('example@gmail.com')->send(new CompanyReservationCreation($routeAndReservationData));
return view('payment.success');
} else {
return view('payment.cancel');
What methods i need to use to make the described functionality?
I found the solution, the right method is:
$captureResponse = $provider->authorizePaymentOrder($orderId);
It does exactly what i asked for!