I am looking for any documentation for what Mathcad calls "Ruby syntax".
When one copies (select then ctrl + c) the following expression from Mathcad Prime UI
it copies the expression in a format called "ruby syntax" which looks like this:
(:= (@LABEL VARIABLE Force) (= (/ Torque (@ID Drive_Shaft (@SUB radius))) (@RSCALE (@MATRIX 6 1 (* 9.714 (^ 10 3)) (* 4.857 (^ 10 3)) (* 3.238 (^ 10 3)) (* 2.429 (^ 10 3)) (* 1.943 (^ 10 3)) (* 1.619 (^ 10 3))) (@LABEL UNIT N))))
I could not find any documentation for this syntax and it does not seem to be written in the Ruby Language syntax.
Comparing these two, I cannot find any similarity in the syntax!
There is no information about it in their website and the only place it is mentioned is in this example
Does anyone know where I can find any documentation for this?
Apparently its a mistake in their example documentation.
The copied code is in S-Expression and not in Ruby!