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Running custom trained yolov8 model on Jetson Nano

I’ve custom trained a yolov8n model and I would like to run it on a Jetson Nano. Has anyone managed to do this? If yes, would you be so kind to help me out?

I’ve got a .pt of the custom trained model. The OS image offered by NVidia on their website is an Ubuntu 18.04 and I have run into many compatibility issues. I’m interested in finding out if anyone has managed to get yolo running on the Jetson specifically the yolov8n model from ultralytics.

Thanks in advance!


  • Look at this documentation.
    Just run Python code after opening/activating the environment.

    Using a CLI: python3

    Using VS Code:

    • After installation, open VS Code.
    • In the top-middle command palette,type "Python: Select Interpreter" and press enter.
    • Select the environment for YOLOv8 and run your code using VS Code.