I made a website support google login, and when success callback, using Auth::loginUsingId(user_id,true), so the user can login again even browser close, and the whole login process works fine on chrome but failed on mobile Safari.
I tried regular login request, using Auth:attempt([credentials],true), and user can login again even browser close on mobile Safari
if ($google_user) {
$app_user = $google_user->appUser;
if ($app_user) {
Auth::loginUsingId($app_user->id, true);
return redirect('/');
if (Auth::attempt($this->only('email', 'password'), true)) {
return redirect('/');
After I remote debug safari, I found that there will same name cookies for session in similar domain, example.com and [www].example.com.
Then I went to google clould console, using example.com for url and it's works.