In my .NET MAUI 8.0 app, I can't find the property to set the colour of the vertical bar in the shell flyout menu item as shown in the picture below. The image is from a sample MAUI app (ShellFlyoutSample), on Windows.
On Andrdoid, there is not such vertical bar in the shell flyout menu.
What is the property linked to this feature ?
This question looks similar, but I can't find a equivalent property for the Shell Flyout Menu Item. Have you already done this ?
You can set its color in the Platforms/Windows/App.xaml:
<StaticResource x:Key="NavigationViewSelectionIndicatorForeground" ResourceKey="SystemControlForegroundAccentBrush" />
<SolidColorBrush x:Key="SystemControlForegroundAccentBrush" Color="Red" />
// you can set the other color such as blue/transparent