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In VSCode, how can I add comment characters spanning the length to the end of my vertical ruler? Is this possible?

I often separate blocks of code using comment characters spanning a specified distance horizontally. The character depends on the language, but for the sake of this example I'm using JavaScript and the "/" character.

Here is some sample code:

// const / start 

        settings_init = {

            // extension.js
            'p_path': '',

            // main.js
            'mode_current': 'insert-listview',
            'c_cid': -1,                        
            'filter_open': false,               
            'filter_val': '',                   
            'picker_open': false,               
            'picker_color': '',                 
            'picker_color_init': '',            
            'scroll_pos': -1,                   
            'cm_width': 380,                    

What I'd like to do is this:

// const / start ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

        settings_init = {

            // extension.js
            'p_path': '',

            // main.js
            'mode_current': 'insert-listview',
            'c_cid': -1,                        
            'filter_open': false,               
            'filter_val': '',                   
            'picker_open': false,               
            'picker_color': '',                 
            'picker_color_init': '',            
            'scroll_pos': -1,                   
            'cm_width': 380,                    

Or even this:

// const / start ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

        settings_init = {

            // extension.js
            'p_path': '',

            // main.js
            'mode_current': 'insert-listview',
            'c_cid': -1,                        
            'filter_open': false,               
            'filter_val': '',                   
            'picker_open': false,               
            'picker_color': '',                 
            'picker_color_init': '',            
            'scroll_pos': -1,                   
            'cm_width': 380,                    

An image as an example so you can see the ruler position:


enter image description here

After 1

enter image description here

After 2

enter image description here

Is there a plugin, hack, or other method I can utilize in VSCode that will do this for me without having to type each character by hand or copy paste blocks of characters?


  • Using an extension I wrote this is quite easy, Find and Transform.

    After installing the extension, make the following keybinding:

      "key": "alt+c",               // whatever keybinding you want
      "command": "findInCurrentFile",
      "args": {
        "description": "whatever you want",
        "preCommands": "cursorHomeSelect",
        "replace": [
            "return '${selectedText} '.padEnd(80, '${LINE_COMMENT}');",
        "restrictFind": "selections",
        "postCommands": "cancelSelection",  // to remove the resulting selection

    You can see that it uses 80 as your ruler length - change that if you use something different.

    Start with the cursor at the end of the line and then trigger your chosen keybinding.

    pad line with comment characters to ruler length

    For this case:

    // const / start ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    use a replace that looks like:

        "replace": [
            "let str = '${selectedText} '.padEnd(80, '${LINE_COMMENT}');",
            "return str + '\n' + ''.padEnd(80, '${LINE_COMMENT}');",

    It just adds a newline and then pads an empty line with a total of 80 comment characters. So it would be easy to extend that to another line if you wanted.