Search code examples

Creating An Incrementing Alphabet Sequence

From Batch script below:

@echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set menu=One Two Three
SET order=0
for %%A in (%menu%) do (
    set /a order+=1
    echo [!order!] %%A

The output:

[1] One
[2] Two
[3] Three

How to make the output like this?

[A] One
[B] Two
[C] Three

Replacing Number sequence with Alphabet sequence


  • I created this macro for easy to reuse menu's. simply expand the Menu variable with a list of the options to be selected from as per the example included.

    @Echo off
        REM Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
        REM Modular menu macro by T3RRY T3RR0R
            REM to discuss batch macro techniques Join
        ================================================ REM = Menu macro Definition BEGIN
        REM IMPORTANT - Defines the following Variables:    \n Console_Width Menu*
            REM         Reserved Variable Prefix:           Menu
            REM          - Do not define other variables with the leading name 'Menu' in your
            REM         script to prevent any possibility of variable contamination.
        REM Version Update 24/01/2024
            REM Incorporate ADS redirection + More command to handle cases where 
            REM Menu output exceeds the consoles height and scrolling is disabled.
        REM Version Update 21/01/2024
            REM Variable Structure reworked to minimize variable reservations required by
            REM constraining all internal variables to a single  prefix: menu*
            REM Macro help and usage now embeded in the Macro.
            REM Expanding the macro without arguments will now display the help output.
            REM return variables are now named:
            REM                                 Menu{String}
            REM                                 Menu{Key}
            REM                                 Menu{Number}
        REM Macro definition and expansion environment trickery pioneered by Jeb
            REM Recommended Learning resources: 
            REM Macros with arguments learning resource:
    (Set \n=^^^
    %= Newline var \n for multi-line macro definition - Do not modify This codeblock. =%)
    REM - use REM / remove REM on the below line to enable / disable menu dividing line
        REM Goto :NoDividingLine
        REM Enable DE environment to perform variable concatenation within a for loop
            Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
        REM Get console width for dividing line
        For /f "usebackq tokens=2* delims=: " %%W in (`mode con ^| %__APPDIR__%findstr.exe /LIC:"Columns"`) do Set /A Console_Width=%%W
            Set "Menu_Div=" & For /L %%i in (1 1 %Console_Width%)Do Set "Menu_Div=!Menu_Div!-"
            Endlocal & Set "Menu_Div=%Menu_Div%"
        REM Menu internal variables
        REM keymap. translates literal keypress to the numeric position of the item in the menu list
            Set /a Menu@0=36,Menu@1=1,Menu@2=2,Menu@3=3,Menu@4=4,Menu@5=5,Menu@6=6,Menu@7=7,Menu@8=8,Menu@9=9,Menu@a=10,Menu@b=11,Menu@c=12,Menu@d=13,Menu@e=14,Menu@f=15,Menu@g=16,Menu@h=17,Menu@i=18,Menu@j=19,Menu@k=20,Menu@l=21,Menu@m=22,Menu@n=23,Menu@o=24,Menu@p=25,Menu@q=26,Menu@r=27,Menu@s=28,Menu@t=29,Menu@u=30,Menu@v=31,Menu@w=32,Menu@x=33,Menu@y=34,Menu@z=35
        REM Valid choice characters
            Set "Menu.Keys=123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0"
            Set "Menu.Hash=Header"
    REM Menu macro Usage: %Menu% "quoted" "list of" "options"
    %= Outer for loop allows environment independant definition =% For /f %%! in ("! ^! ^^^!") Do ^
    %= IMPORTANT - No whitespace permitted here =%Set ^"Menu=For %%n in (1 2)Do if %%n==2 (%\n%
        If defined Menu{Args} (%\n%
            %= Switch control via !! Expansion outcome  =%  for /f "tokens=2" %%? in ("%%!%%! 1 0") do (%\n%
            %= Switch - Setlocal / NOP                  =%    If %%~? EQU 1 SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion%\n%
            %= Output Dividing Line                     =%    ^>"%~f0:MenuMacro:$Data" (%\n%
            %= If Header Substitute Output substitution =%    If not "Header" == "%%!Menu.Hash%%!" (%\n%
                                        If Defined Menu_Div Echo(%%!Menu_Div%%!%\n%
                                      If Defined Menu_Div Echo(%%!Menu_Div%%!%\n%
            %= Reset Menu.# index for Menu.Item[#]      =%    Set "Menu.#=0"%\n%
            %= Undefine choice command key list         =%    Set "Menu.Chars="%\n%
            %= Redirect output to ADS; For Each in List =%    For %%G in (%%!Menu{Args}%%!)Do (%\n%
            %= For Menu.Item Index value                =%      For %%i in (%%!Menu.#%%!)Do If not %%i GTR 35 (%\n%
            %= Build the Choice key list                =%        Set "Menu.Chars=%%!Menu.Chars%%!%%!Menu.Keys:~%%i,1%%!"%\n%
            %= Define Menu.Item array                   =%        Set "Menu.Item[%%!Menu.Keys:~%%i,1%%!]=%%~G"%\n%
            %= Assign String for safe output            =%        Set "Menu.Output=%%~G"%\n%
            %= Display as [key] Option String           =%        Echo([%%!Menu.Keys:~%%i,1%%!] %%!Menu.Output%%!%\n%
            %= Increment Menu.# Index var               =%        Set /A "Menu.#+=1"%\n%
            %= Close Menu.# expansion loop              =%      )%\n%
            %= Close Menu{Args} String loop             =%    )) %\n%
            %= Read output in from ADS to permit More   =%    More ^< "%~f0:MenuMacro:$Data"%\n%
            %= Output Dividing Line                     =%    If Defined Menu_Div Echo(%%!Menu_Div%%!%\n%
            %= Select option by character index         =%    For /f "delims=" %%o in ('%__APPDIR__%Choice.exe /N /C:%%!Menu.Chars%%!')Do For /f "tokens=1,2 delims=;" %%V in ("%%!Menu.Item[%%o]%%!;%%!Menu@%%o%%!")Do (%\n%
            %= Switch - Endlocal / NOP ; returnVars     =%      ( If %%~? EQU 1 EndLocal ) ^& (%\n%
            %= exit [sub]script w/out modifying option  =%        If /I "%%V" == "Exit" Exit /B 2%\n%
            %= Assign 'Menu{String}' w/literal string   =%        Set "Menu{String}=%%V"%\n%
            %= Assign 'Menu{key}' with key pressed      =%        Set "Menu{Key}=%%o"%\n%
            %= Assign 'Menu{Number} with list position  =%        Set "Menu{Number}=%%~W"%\n%
            %= Reset Menu Argument variable             =%        Set "Menu{Args}="%\n%
            %= Set errorlevel to match Menu{Number}     =%        CMD /C Exit %%~W%\n%
            %= Close Menu macro processing loops        =%  )  )  )%\n%
        )Else (%\n: Show Macro Help if no arguments supplied - will not display if expanded menu variable has trailing whitespace =%
            Echo(       Output this help info, Set Errorlevel 0%\n%
            Echo(%%Menu%% "DoubleQuoted List" "Of Options"%\n%
            Echo(       Output the Menu list, Take input%\n%
            Echo(%%Menu:Header=Your Custom Header%% "DoubleQuoted List" "Of Options"%\n%
            Echo(       Outputs substituted Header, Output Menu list; Take input%\n%
            Echo(Return Variables:%\n%
            Echo(       Menu{String}    : The literal String%\n%
            Echo(       Menu{Key}   : The Key Pressed%\n%
            Echo(       Menu{Number}    : The list position of the option as an Integer%\n%
            Echo(                 IE:   Option 1 = 1, Option A = 10%\n%
            Echo(                 Note: The Errorlevel is also set to this value%\n%
            Echo(  Note:      The number of options available is limited to 36.%\n%
            Echo(  Important: The following variable prefix is reserved: Menu%\n%
            %= If Menu expanded without Args Set Errorlevel 0 =%(Call )%\n%
    %= Capture Macro input - Options List       =%)Else Set Menu{Args}=^"
    ========================================== REM = Menu Macro Definition END
    REM Below lines Not required if macro definition is pasted within another script
        REM Load macro from a calling script using any arg within the Findstr Search strings below; Return to caller
        If Not "%~1" == "" Echo(%*|%SystemRoot%\System32\findstr.exe /LI "/D Def Menu Load Menu Get" 2>&1 > nul && Exit /b 0
    REM Below lines Are Demo Only.
        REM Everything from this line and below is example usage only.
        REM demonstrates retention of last option variables upon selection of exit
        REM Call:DemoMenu
        REM Echo(You last chose %Menu{String}% by pressing %Menu{Key}% at index %Menu{Number}%
        REM Exit /b 0
        REM view macro usage by expanding without arguments
        REM Apply Header using substring when expanding macro
        %Menu:Header=This is a demo Header% "See next demo" "Close after seeing this demo's output"
        Echo(You Pressed %Menu{key}% to Choose '%Menu{String}%'; option number = %Menu{Number}%
        If %Menu{Number}% EQU 2 Exit /b 0
        %Menu% List of your Options here. "Double qoute" "Delimited Strings" filler to extend option count. caps at 36 \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ . Exit \ . 
        Echo(You Pressed %Menu{key}% to Choose '%Menu{String}%'; option number = %Errorlevel%