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Reanimated clamp crashes on panguesture

I am trying to build a draggable React-native Application with reanimated and gesture handler when i tried to implement a boundary for my draggable with reanimated clamp, after I move the draggables, the app crashes.

I tried implement my own function, still crashes the app.

Here's my code

const Dragable = props => {
    const translateX = useSharedValue(props.x);
    const translateY = useSharedValue(props.y);
    const isGestureActive = useSharedValue(false);
    const pan = Gesture.Pan()
        .onStart(() => {
            isGestureActive.value = true;
        .onChange((evt) => {
            translateX.value += clamp(evt.changeX,0,200);
            translateY.value +=  clamp(evt.changeY,0,200);
        .onEnd(() => {
            isGestureActive.value = false;
    const animatedStyle = useAnimatedStyle(() => {
        const zIndex = isGestureActive.value ? 1000 : 1;
        return {

            transform: [
                { translateX: translateX.value },
                { translateY: translateY.value },

    return (
            <GestureDetector gesture={pan}>
                <Animated.View style={animatedStyle}>
                   {some child components}


  • Their clamp hook is not available on my project neither, even though I'm using 3.3.0. One solution is to use custom hooks. However, when react-native-reanimated is installed, the callbacks passed to the gestures are automatically workletized and run on the UI thread when called. Hence, using normal javaScript function would cause a crash.

    • One way is to use runOnJS(true).
    • Another way is to use worklet hooks, which is simply adding "worklet"; in the beginning of the hook and it's callbacks.

    Run Gesture callback on JS

      const pan = Gesture.Pan()
        .onStart(() => {
          // some logic that can call JS hooks
        .onChange(() => {
          // some logic that can call JS hooks
        .onEnd(() => {
          // some logic that can call JS hooks

    Run Gesture callback on UI (-= += clampOutRange2zero())

      const clampOutRange2zero = (value, min = null, max = null) => {
        const shouldClamp =
          (typeof min === "number" && value < min) ||
          (typeof max === "number" && value > max);
        return shouldClamp ? 0 : value;
      const pan = Gesture.Pan()
        .onStart(() => {
          isGestureActive.value = true;
        .onChange((e) => {
          translateX.value += clampOutRange2zero(e.changeX, 0, 200);
          translateY.value += clampOutRange2zero(e.changeY, 0, 200);
        .onEnd(() => {
          isGestureActive.value = false;

    Run Gesture callback on UI (= clamp())

      const clamp = (value, min = null, max = null) => {
        return typeof min === "number" && value < min
          ? min
          : typeof max === "number" && value > max
          ? max
          : value;
      const pan = Gesture.Pan()
        .onStart(() => {
          isGestureActive.value = true;
        .onChange((e) => {
          translateX.value = clamp(translateX.value + e.changeX, 0, 200);
          translateY.value = clamp(translateY.value + e.changeY, 0, 200);
        .onEnd(() => {
          isGestureActive.value = false;