I'm using an observable object to cause the update of a view - an image file is being updated every second by a driver. But the actual image is not updated, only the opacity property - I was just using opacity to see the change. I was expecting the whole view including the image itself to be updated with a change in the observed object.
Here is the code:
import SwiftUI
struct StreamingImageView: View {
var filePath = URL(string: "file:/Users/\(NSUserName())/Library/Containers/GB.IndigoPolarAlignAid/Data/img_01.jpg")
@ObservedObject var monitor: FileMonitor
print("StreamingImageView: \(filePath!)")
monitor = FileMonitor(filePath: filePath!)
var body: some View {
GeometryReader { geometry in
AsyncImage(url: filePath)
Text("count \(monitor.fileUpdateCount) \(filePath!)")
The answer was provided by @jnpdx - in the discussion above - who suggested adding a unique id
property - I used the monitor.fileUpdateCount to do this and get an updated display with refreshed jpg as I wanted. Here is minimal code that works:
import SwiftUI
let filePath = URL(string: "file:/Users/\(NSUserName())/Library/Containers/GB.IndigoPolarAlignAid/Data/img_01.jpg")
struct StreamingImageView: View {
@ObservedObject var monitor: FileMonitor = FileMonitor(filePath: filePath!)
var id: Int = 0
var body: some View {
AsyncImage(url: monitor.filePath)