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Why current_setting() value is undefined within the exception block

After setting the configuration parameter with set_config() I can read it with current_setting(). But if exception ocured and I try to read value within the exception block it is undefined.

do $$declare
    l_ctx_prm text := 'some_value'; 
    l_dummy numeric;
    raise notice 'test before set_config: [utl_log.test_ctx=%]', current_setting('utl_log.test_ctx', true);  
    perform set_config('utl_log.test_ctx', l_ctx_prm, false);
    raise notice 'test after set_config: [utl_log.test_ctx=%]', current_setting('utl_log.test_ctx', true);  
    l_dummy := 1/0; -- raise exception 
exception when others then
    raise notice 'test in exception block: [utl_log.test_ctx=%]', current_setting('utl_log.test_ctx', true);  

The result is

test before set_config: [utl_log.test_ctx=<NULL>]
test after set_config: [utl_log.test_ctx=some_value]
test in exception block: [utl_log.test_ctx=]

Can someone explain this behavior?


  • From the manual:

    When an error is caught by an EXCEPTION clause, the local variables of the PL/pgSQL function remain as they were when the error occurred, but all changes to persistent database state within the block are rolled back.

    The call to set_config is an attempt to change persistent state, so the effects are rolled back prior to entering the exception block.