I have a list of forms and I want to bind them with a single ref
The ref will hold an object with form number as keys and values should be again an object whose keys are be bound to the nested object keys.
const forms = reactive({})
// template
<form v-for="item in list" :set="forms[item.id]={}">
<input v-model="forms[item.id]['name']" />
<input v-model="forms[item.id]['email']" />
<input v-model="forms[item.id]['phone']" />
I have the above implementation but field refs don't seem to work, I can't either enter values in the fields.
A working demo
I want to be able to handle nested objects as refs to input
You must initialize the ref first, shortcut initializations like v-const have only recently been introduced into the plan
const list = ref( [1,2,3] )
watch(list, list => {
list.forEach(item => form.value[item] = {})
}, { immediate: true })