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How to satisfy Rayon's trait bounds in matrix multiplication algorithm?

I implemented matrix multiplication using functional approach.

struct Matrix {
  vals: Vec<i32>,
  rows: usize,
  cols: usize,

fn mul(a: &Matrix, b: &Matrix) -> Matrix {
  assert_eq!(a.cols, b.rows);
  let vals = a
    .map(|row| {
      (0..b.cols).map(|i| {
          .map(|(a, b)| a * b)
  Matrix {
    rows: a.rows,
    cols: b.cols,

I tried to parallelize this algorithm by using par_chunks from Rayon 1.8.1 instead of chunks, so each row is constructed in a separate thread. With chunks the algorithm works, but with par_chunks it results in two errors:

error[E0277]: the trait bound `std::iter::Map<std::ops::Range<usize>, {closure@src\ 145:26}>: rayon::iter::ParallelIterator` is not satisfied
   --> src\
153 |     .flatten()
    |      ^^^^^^^ the trait `rayon::iter::ParallelIterator` is not implemented for `std::iter::Map<std::ops::Range<usize>, {closure@src\ 145:26}>`


error[E0599]: the method `collect` exists for struct `Flatten<Map<Chunks<'_, i32>, {}>>`, but its 
trait bounds were not satisfied
   --> src\
141 |     let vals = a
    |  ______________-
142 | |     .vals
143 | |     .par_chunks(a.cols)
144 | |     .map(|row| {
...   |
153 | |     .flatten()
154 | |     .collect();
    | |     -^^^^^^^ method cannot be called due to unsatisfied trait bounds
    | |_____|
   ::: C:\rust\.rustup\toolchains\stable-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu\lib/rustlib/src/rust\library\core\src\iter\adapters\
62  |   pub struct Map<I, F> {
    |   -------------------- doesn't satisfy `_: IntoParallelIterator`
   ::: C:\rust\.cargo\registry\src\\rayon-1.8.1\src\iter\
11  |   pub struct Flatten<I: ParallelIterator> {
    |   ---------------------------------------
    |   |
    |   doesn't satisfy `_: Iterator`
    |   doesn't satisfy `_: ParallelIterator`

I have no idea what is going on. I suspect that it might be somehow related to sharing second matrix between threads but it is read-only and is guaranteed to stay in the scope until threads have finished their jobs. Error messages don't help at all. What am I doing wrong? How do I even read this error message?

UPD. Rayon's prelude is included.


  • The error messages are not great here (the content is mostly correct but the location is misleading), but luckily there's only a few things that can go wrong when Rayon's trait bounds are not satisfied.

    Here, flatten expects to find items that implement ParallelIterator. Instead, your map produces items which are a regular Iterator type. You can fix this by inserting an into_par_iter:

    .map(|row| {
        (0..b.cols).into_par_iter().map(|i| {
                .map(|(a, b)| a * b)

    Rayon also has the flatten_iter method that is similar to flatten but works on regular Iterator types. This works well if the outer iterator already has enough items to occupy all your cores.

    .map(|row| {
        (0..b.cols).map(|i| {
                .map(|(a, b)| a * b)

    And finally, there's flat_map_iter, which just combines map and flatten_iter into one function.

    .flat_map_iter(|row| {
        (0..b.cols).map(|i| {
                .map(|(a, b)| a * b)
    // no .flatten()