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R igraph setting attribute incorrectly

I’m trying to set_vertex_attribute to a graph and noticing that the function assigns attributes incorrectly. Similar issues have been reported here: R - Vertex attributes - 'Inappropriate value given in set.vertex.attribute.' But I’ve tried changing the class to character without luck. What could be the issue?


crops <- structure(list(target = c("Angola", "Angola", "Bahrain",
                                  "Benin", "Benin", "Bolivia"), source = c("Argentina",
                                                                                           "Botswana", "Bahrain", "Angola", "Bolivia", "Benin"), weight = c(112858157.048368,
                                                                                                                                                               45859551593.4988, 70972664.5057742, 1291072130433.34, 70268376116.3827,
                                                                                                                                                               410763090.329797)), row.names = c(NA, -6L), class = c("data.table",

com <- structure(list(name = c("Angola", "Argentina", "Bahrain", "Benin",
                               "Bolivia", "Botswana"), com = c(1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L)), row.names = c(NA,
                                                                                                       6L), class = "data.frame")


g <-, directed=TRUE)

nodes <-, what = "vertices")

nodes_com <- merge(nodes,com, by = "name")

nodes_com$com <-  as.character(nodes_com$com)

g <- set_vertex_attr(g, "com", value = nodes_com$com) 

#validation test - here I discover V(g)$com is different than in nodes_com
df <- data.frame(name = V(g)$name, com = V(g)$com) 


  • I think you should use sort = FALSE when merge, e.g.,

    nodes_com <- merge(nodes, com, by = "name", sort = FALSE)

    and then you will obtain

    > df
           name com
    1    Angola   1
    2   Bahrain   3
    3     Benin   4
    4   Bolivia   5
    5 Argentina   2
    6  Botswana   6

    which has the same rows as in com

    > com
           name com
    1    Angola   1
    2 Argentina   2
    3   Bahrain   3
    4     Benin   4
    5   Bolivia   5
    6  Botswana   6