(Answered below)
I am trying to send a query to a postgres relational db using psycopg2. Below is the code. I keep getting the 'undefined table' error:
E psycopg2.errors.UndefinedTable: relation "person" does not exist
E LINE 4: JOIN person p ON u.person_id=p.id
How can I get around this?
from itertools import starmap
import psycopg2
from psycopg2 import sql
db_conn = psycopg2.connect(db parameters)
db_cursor = conn.cursor()
query_fields = (
flds = sql.SQL(', ').join(starmap(sql.Identifier, map(lambda f: f.split('.'), query_fields)))
query_str = sql.SQL(
SELECT {fields}
FROM user u
JOIN person p ON u.person_id=p.id
JOIN employee_contract ec ON ec.person_id=p.id
WHERE u.username LIKE '%word%'
results = db_cursor.fetchall()
for i in results:
Thanks in advance. Archie
Resolved it by editing the query string as below:
query_str = sql.SQL(
SELECT {fields}
FROM "user" u
JOIN person p ON {id1} = {id2}
JOIN employee_contract ec ON {id3} = {id4}
WHERE u.username LIKE '%word%'
""").format(fields=flds01, id1=sql.Identifier('u','person_id'),
id2=sql.Identifier('p','id'), id3=sql.Identifier('ec','person_id'),