why I can't bind or display data from the database going to input text field. I already add the rules just like what other said but still not luck. Please help, I stack on this part.
By the way I am using modal from question table CRUD.
class ViewPromo extends Component
public $questions;
public Promo $promo;
public Question $question;
protected $rules = [
'question.question_title' => 'required',
'question.question_type' => 'required',
public function editQuestion(Question $question) {
$this->question = $question;
public function mount(Promo $promo) {
$this->promo = $promo;
$this->questions = $this->promo->questions()->get();
public function render()
return view('livewire.admin.promos.view-promo')->extends('layouts.app')->section('contents');
<x-label for="question_title">Title</x-label>
<x-input-text wire:model.defer="question.question_title" id="question_title"></x-input-text>
<x-label for="question_type">Type</x-label>
<x-select wire:model.defer="question.question_type" id="question_type">
<option value="single_select" @if($question->question_type == 'single_select') selected @endif>Single select</option>
<option value="multiple_select" @if($question->question_type == 'multiple_select') selected @endif>Multiple select</option>
<x-button wire:click="editQuestion({{ $question->id }})" data-modal-target="edit-default-modal" data-modal-toggle="edit-default-modal" >Edit</x-button>
I want to display record from the database going to the input fields.
Do you happen to be using Livewire 3? Because, if you read the docs, Livewire 3 no longer uses Eloquent Model Binding by default. If you want to use that behaviour you need to enable it (in config/livewire.php
'legacy_model_binding' => true,