im trying to change a button`s appearance when clicked , and im handling the state by getX . the problem is , i dont know what is the best way to reload the page when some state is changed.
im actually looking for a "setState" equivalent in getX.
i tried obx( ()=> ElevatedButton()) but it says that im using it in a wrong way , no matter where i place the obx widget.
If you want to use Obx() then you have to pass observable variable .obs then it will change state. you can check this documentation.
Example :
You have to make observable variable in controller.
final isChanged = false.obs;
in view screen handle like this.
() => ElevatedButton(
style: ButtonStyle(
backgroundColor: MaterialStatePropertyAll(
controller.isChanged.value ? Colors.cyan :,
onPressed: () =>
controller.isChanged.value = !controller.isChanged.value,
child: const Text(
'Change color',
style: TextStyle(
color: Colors.white,