I just started working at a new company and their code base is a mix of XML and Jetpack compose. I need to implement navigation from a main screen to a settings screen but one screen is 100% compose while the other is a composable function hosted by a fragment which also has some compose code in the fragment class itself.
This is the whole setup:
An activity calls a composable function in its onCreate()
This composable function is said main screen which has its own Nav graph
From this composable, I need to navigate to a fragment that holds another nav graph and compose screen
The way I see it, there is no way to do this other than to rewrite the fragment as a composable screen since you cant use compose navigation to navigate to fragments / activities as far as I know.
Any pointers would be appreciated
Compose Nav graph will only support screens which are composable functions. We can't use fragments/activities with Nav graph to navigate.
Instead of using navgraph, pass a lambda function to the parameter of the initial composable function for navigation.
class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
setContent {
// Pass a lambda function here
MainNavGraph(onNavigate = {
// Navigate to the activity/fragment from here
fun MainNavGraph(onNavigate: () -> Unit) {
// Invoke lambda as per the logic