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Volumetric space clipping RealityView 3d model

I am currently working on getting a 3d map of the US rendering in a volumetric window using RealityKit and RealityView, and no matter what I do, my model content is constantly clipped.

I am defining my window group as follows:

        WindowGroup {
        .defaultSize(Size3D(width: 2.7, height: 0.9, depth: 0.9), in: .meters)

And I am loading my usdz file in as such:

        RealityView { content in
            guard let usMap = try? await Entity(named: "us_map") else {


What I end up with is the following:

3d US map

I have also attempted to adjust the default size of the window, and it appears to have no effect on the outcome (i.e. I've set the width to 10, and I get the same result).

I have ruled out usdz file issues since if I transform the model and translate it to the right, Alaska comes into view, but then the right side of the model gets clipped.

Is there something that I can do to prevent this from happening?

It's also worth noting this happens on a real Apple Vision Pro device as well.


  • In visionOS 1.1, the max size of volumetric window is still 2x2x2 meters. Resize your model accordingly when you're placing it in RealityView, or apply autoscale inside Model3D view.