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Advanced join three tables Postgresql

I've got three tables, one containing transport moves between storage and usage location, it has a "from" and "to" uuid, and an 'amount' column. The UUIDs in the "from" and "to" columns refer to a row in one of two tables either the 'storage_location' table or the 'usage_location' table. Now I don't know in which of these two tables the UUID is going to be found

Now I'm trying to transport moves table to either the 'storage_location' table or the 'usage_location' table, so I can match the name and coordinates columns to a transport move. Resulting in something like: amount, to_name, to_coordinates, from_name, from_coordinates

A main problem is that the 'to' and 'from' information can both be in the same 'usage_location' or 'storage_location' tables, but then still need to change the column name based on if it matches the "to" or "from" uuid to either "to_name" or "from_name"

Does anyone have any tips about naming these condionally, or if there's a better way to do this alltogether?

The tables look like:

CREATE TABLE transport (
    amount double precision NOT NULL,
    timestamp_start timestamp without time zone,
    timestamp_end timestamp without time zone,
    "to" uuid,
    "from" uuid,
    type_water character varying

CREATE TABLE location_storage (
    type character varying NOT NULL,
    uuid uuid NOT NULL,
    coordinates double precision[],
    status character varying,
    name character varying NOT NULL,
    content_latest double precision,

CREATE TABLE location_usage (
    name character varying NOT NULL,
    type character varying,
    coordinates double precision[],
    uuid uuid,
    description text,
    status character varying

The desired result would be:

Transport table: to (uuid), amount, to_name (either from usage location table or storage location table), to_coordinates: (either from usage location table or storage location table) from (uuid), from_name (either from usage location table or storage location table), to_coordinates: (either from usage location table or storage location table)

I've tried things like:

SELECT amount,distance,timestamp_start,type_water, as to_name, location_storage.type as to_type, location_storage.coordinates as to_coordinates, location_storage.description as to_description, location_storage.status as to_status, as from_name, location_usage.type as from_type, location_usage.coordinates as from_coordinates,  location_usage.status as from_status
FROM transport
INNER JOIN location_storage ON = location_storage .uuid OR transport.from = location_storage .uuid
LEFT OUTER JOIN location_usage ON = location_usage.uuid OR transport.from = location_usage.uuid

but this doesn't work if both the transport "from" and "to" uuids are both located in the same location table

Example Datasets transport:

amount timestamp_start timestamp_end to from type_water
15.1 2024-02-16 2024-02-16 UUID_1 UUID_2 Dummy


type uuid coordinates status name content_latest
Type1 UUID_1 12323 Status1 Name1 Content_1


name type coordinates uuid description status
Name2 Type2 62562 UUID_2 Desc_2 Status_2

Required Result:

amount distance timestamp_start type_water to_name to_type to_coordinates to_description to_status from_name from_type from_coordinates from_status
tbc tbc tbc tbc tbc tbc tbc tbc tbc tbc tbc tbc tbc


  • Union the twp location tables and then join transport to that union twice.

    Try something like this:

    with locations as (
      select uuid, coordinates, name, 'storage' as location_type
        from location_storage
      union all
      select uuid, coordinates, name, 'usage' as location_type
        from location_usage
    select dst.uuid as to_uuid, t.amount, as to_name, 
           dst.coordinates as to_coordinates, src.uuid as from_uuid,
  as from_name, src.coordinates as from_coordinates
      from transport t
           join locations src on src.uuid = t."from"
           join locations dst on dst.uuid = t."to";