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Runtime Error with NS.GetSharedDefaultFolder VBA method to access shared drive

Myself and a colleague both have access to a shared outlook account we'll call "mailbot", I'm writing a VBA macro that scans for emails in the main inbox, extracts information, and uses that to populate an excel sheet.

The following code executes this perfectly on my computer

Sub Account_Change()

Dim outlookApp As Outlook.Application
Dim objectNS As Outlook.Namespace
Dim sharedmailbox As Outlook.Recipient

Set outlookApp = Outlook.Application
Set objectNS = outlookApp.GetNamespace("MAPI") 'Object that can access folders/storage

Set sharedmailbox = objectNS.CreateRecipient("")


If sharedmailbox.Resolved Then

    Set objFolder = objectNS.GetSharedDefaultFolder(sharedmailbox, olFolderInbox)
    For Each Item In objFolder.Items
        If TypeOf Item Is Outlook.MailItem Then
            Dim oMail As Outlook.MailItem: Set oMail = Item
            body_str = CStr(oMail.Body)
        End If
End If

However on my colleagues pc he gets the error

Run-time error '-2147221219 (8004011d)': The operation failed because of a registry or installation problem, restart outlook and try again. If the problem persists reinstall

This highlights the line

Set objFolder = objectNS.GetSharedDefaultFolder(sharedmailbox, olFolderInbox)

As being the one causing the error, and restarting outlook does not cause any difference. I added the logon line after checking microsofts documentation on how to setup shared access but this did not fix the issue. Has anyone had experience with this before/know how to fix?


  • In a comment the OP indicated
    "This has worked, I had already formatted the resolve the way you note here and it was not working, it seems the labelling of session.getshareddefaultfolder was the solution.".

    My point remains Resolve is for names not addresses.

    This frequently asked question is usually due to

    If sharedmailbox.Resolved Then

    always being True when an address is used in

    Set sharedmailbox = Session.CreateRecipient("")

    This demonstrates how to apply Resolve.

    Option Explicit
    Sub Account_Change()
    Dim sharedMailbox As Recipient
    Dim objFolder As Folder
    Dim objItem As Object
    Dim objMail As MailItem
    Dim body_str As String
    'Set sharedmailbox = Session.CreateRecipient("")
    Dim mailboxName As String
    mailboxName = "mailbox name"
    Set sharedMailbox = Session.CreateRecipient(mailboxName)
    sharedMailbox.Resolve   ' Resolve name not address
    If sharedMailbox.Resolved Then
        Set objFolder = Session.GetSharedDefaultFolder(sharedMailbox, olFolderInbox)
        For Each objItem In objFolder.Items
            If TypeOf objItem Is MailItem Then
                Set objMail = objItem
                body_str = CStr(objMail.Body)
            End If
        'When there is an email address error as you generated 
        ' or a mailbox name is not resolved as in the demonstration code,
        ' it is a setup problem.
        MsgBox mailboxName & " not resolved."
    End If
    End Sub

    The email address is sufficient without .Resolve.

    When there is an email address error as you generated or a mailbox name is not resolved as in the demonstration code, it is a setup problem.