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Download file from VM built by Packer even if a previous provisioner fails

I am build VM images using Hashicorp Packer and test those images at the end of the build using Testinfra.

Now I want to download a test report of my tests. This basically works fine with the file provisioner:

build {
  sources = [


  provisioner "shell" {
    inline = ["py.test --junit-xml /tmp/testreport.xml -v /tmp/"]

  provisioner "file" {
    destination = "${var.build_dir}/testreport.xml"
    direction   = "download"
    source      = "/tmp/testreport.xml"

MY problem is, that this only works if all tests succeed. Otherwise, the shell provisioner running the tests returns an error code and Packer terminates the build immediately. But I would like to have the test report to be downloaded even in case of an error. Is this possible somehow?


  • Lets try to use error-cleanup-provisioner.

    This is example from Packer documentation, but you can try to use file instead of shell-local

    source "null" "example" {
      communicator = "none"
    build {
      sources = ["source.null.example"]
      provisioner "shell-local" {
        inline = ["exit 2"]
      error-cleanup-provisioner "shell-local" {
        inline = ["echo 'rubber ducky'> ducky.txt"]