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Dynamic year-values when creating a customized column in power bi depending on the actual year

I want to aggregate three timebuckets to one. At the moment I create a customized column like this:

timebucketNEW = IF([timebucket] IN {"YtD", "BoY", "2023"}, "2024", [timebucket])

This is already working well for this year. But in 2025 the IF-clause should look like this:

timebucketNEW = IF([timebucket] IN {"YtD", "BoY", "2024"}, "2025", [timebucket])

Now, I don't want to change this IF-statement in each new year. How can I do this automatically or dynamically, like System_Year()-1 gives me the last year and System_Year() gives me the actual year.

EDIT: The year in the timebucket column is expanded by another year with each new year. The other previous years remain included in the column or data set.


  • Two options for you.

    Similar to @davidebacci answer, try (formatting to text solves it):

    timebucketNEW =
        [timebucket] IN {"YtD", "BoY", FORMAT(YEAR(TODAY())-1, "0")}, 
        FORMAT(TODAY(), "yyyy"),

    Alternatively, you may want to have a dedicated table for this.
    Create a new Calculated Table with:

    Dim Year = 
            [timebucket] IN {"YtD", "BoY", FORMAT(YEAR(TODAY())-1, "0") }, 
            FORMAT(TODAY(), "YYYY"),

    Then add a relationship between this new table and YourTable on the [timebucket] columns. You would then use this new table for slicers, filters, visual dimension etc...