Search code examples

Get records that have exactly (n) records in a row continuously

Please consider this records:

Name Year Season
Name1 2011 1
Name1 2011 2
Name2 2012 1
Name2 2012 2
Name2 2012 3
Name2 2012 4
Name3 2012 3
Name3 2012 4
Name4 2012 1
Name4 2012 4
Name5 2012 3
Name5 2012 4
Name5 2013 1
Name5 2013 2

I want to get records that have 4 record in 4 seasons in a row. For example for above records I want to get Name2 and Name5 because Name2 has 4 records in each season in 2012 and Name5 has 4 records for 4 seasons in a row (for years 2012 and 2013). I tried to partition these records with Row_Number but it failed when we have 4 records in different years.

How can I achieve my desire result?

If I have below records for Name3:

Name Year Season
Name3 2014 1
Name3 2014 2

then Name3 wouldn't add to result because it hasn't 4 records for 4 seasons continuously.


  • Assuming there are no duplicates:

    • You can assign a code to each row by multiplying the Year by 4 then adding the Season.
    • Then get the row 3 previous to this using LAG.
    • Then aggregate, and ensure using a HAVING clause that there is at least one row where the row 3 previous to it is exactly 3 seasons earlier.
    FROM (
        SELECT *,
          SeasonCode = Year * 4 + Season,
          Prev4SeasonCode = LAG(Year * 4 + Season, 3) OVER (PARTITION BY Name ORDER BY Year, Season)
        FROM YourTable t
    ) t
    HAVING COUNT(CASE WHEN Prev4SeasonCode = SeasonCode - 3 THEN 1 END) > 0;


    Instead of using a SeasonCode, you could also do multiple conditions on Year and Season.