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VueUse onClickOutside does not work with right click

I am currently trying to use onClickOutside but it only works when i click outside with the left mouse button. I need to get this working for the right mouse button too.

Any solution for this? Maybe i missed some option for the function.


  • VueUse does not work here, because no click event is raised. Instead the contextmenu event will be raised here.

    Try something like this:

    import type { Ref } from 'vue'
    import {useMouseInElement, useEventListener} from '@vueuse/core'
    export const useClickOutside = (target: Ref<HTMLElement>, handler: () => void) => {
      const { isOutside } = useMouseInElement(target)
      const onClick = () => {
        if (isOutside.value) {
      useEventListener(document, 'click', onClick)
      useEventListener(document, 'contextmenu', onClick)